How fantastic! Yay! had to laugh at the house sounds... Now I understand why you asked me what I might plant at the Sicily house! hmmm.... what you share here might explain why I want to remove some (ok, most) of what is already planted there. I don't want to harm the plants, I just don't resonate with them, doesn't feel like they're the right energy. For example, all the cacti. It's been explained that these were planted along the road to deter folks from entering the property. Kinda like a fence w/ barb wire. yeah, that's not the energy I want. What I would really love to do is plant a hedge of Laurel on two sides! Laurel is a powerful protection herb, good energy, and also smells fantastic. Alas, it will be some time before we can focus on the land. Meanwhile, I'm glad to hear you are settling in and nesting!

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